Sonntag, Dezember 29, 2013

New post

Ok New post:

Soccer and Politics are very much alike if you really look at it.
It's all made of happenings ending up on the news all over medias.
It's organized and staged and probably politics are the most spontaneus and apparently dynamic event because the people are involved.....they can vote. much this a way to be involved...?..the anonymous cross on the leaflet, the push of a button,  come on.......
You take a stage act made by people who have worked at it for generations and then you let the people make their choice...whit a cross.
Left or right, collective or personal determinism, and if  Ideals were opposite sentences, both true, what would then happen?
Left red devil dynamic right right blue static, yeah we reason by oppositions thanks that makes it easy for us...we can shape our personalities around this.
I don't want to support paranoias or conspiracy theories, it is well true that wealthy and old families and businesses depend on politics and consumerism (economy)another opposition?) but i don't blame them...they don't know better.
I blame you!  get off the band what you gotta do, but don't follow the stuff, it's a mean to a never coming end, your pockets are not that involved and it's not edible.