Sonntag, November 12, 2006

Sunday sees Sunday

I did today sow the light of the morn, coming home after work at 8 am, luckily I missed the rest of this dull sunday in dreamless sleep.
At work was fun, the club was packed, pretty people, cool house music and we were all the time dancing and smoking weed behind the Bar.
A really enjoy all this, but as I was working there was a voice that said:

yes, do play with everybody else, but don´t get identified with games.

As soon as I moved out in the light of the morning, everything disappeared.
Sometimes I have some thoughts, and they are not wierd speculations, they are messages.
It´s like an emotional tension that I always kept with me suddenly breaks and the message it´s: set back, relax, do what you are doing, it´s not important, enjoy, you have no obligations toward anyone, no pressure to take up anything, look and listen.

This kind of thoughts came within a total different context

The main trend last night was:

"Young and Restless"

As printed on the backside of a flyer

And When I read it first I thought: ho god that´s me!
there must be my picture on the other side!
And than I thought, shit this is how the entertainment industry is getting closer to their targets, and I´m part of both, industry and fruitor as many other people is.
Is it bad? Is it good?
I give it a maybe.

Is it important?
I give it a depends
The fact is that feeling this calming thoughts arising I felt sincerely mature, much more mature than all my super intellectualizations over space and time.

Dienstag, November 07, 2006

Ok I believed I had to work tonight, I showed up and they said my shift is in exactly one week, cycling on the way home i thought back a year ago, when I was in France and I had a Car........

I wanted to learn a lenguage and I choosed french, harder than spanish and easier than German I thought back than.

It was a Renault 5 just one year older than I was.
It had no back seats because was a used company car, in france they are often sold to private owners.
I often slept in it laying diagonally with the head in the back corner.
she was fast and in the countryside was a mean of independence.
I was doing woofing (willing voluntary on organic farms(an illegal one).
In the first farm I was working I had a payed job three days a week in a building site, so I could allow myself to buy and mantain this car which was abandoned a few months before by an australian surfer (I believe a strain of his soul was trapped in the machine).
My first car long distance trip was four hundred kilometers with a german Girl (johanna I think was her name) from Montesquieu to Carcassonne and than Collioure, an idilliac old city on the sea extremely popoular between british tourists (luckily was late september and wasn´t so crouded anymore).
I was such a mad driver, and she probably saved my life teaching me how to drive on a highway (with the german approach).
Well the Car had a certain weight on my personality it gave me problems but also endless pride.
Once I had to drive this art collector trough Paris, and there I had the most important and pleasant encounter ever, and from then on I consider myself a Paris proofed driver (altough I still have troubles parking sideways).
The car also allowed me to carry much more stuff than a regoular traveler would have, this ended up beeing a limitation.
A sunday afternoon in mid-january I was trown out from a third farm.
On monday after a cold night in my trunk with not one cent left, my bank card lost,
I had to sell my car for 150 bucks to the only retailer in france open on festivity.

She was gone as it came
trust worthy as I knew her first
I was rich on my two feets
With an eclair in my mouth
The trunk emptied in my backpack.
Waiting for the next train.
Time is Chemistry.

All structures are unstable.
In one of his speeches Eckhart Tolle tells about his encounter with the Malibu´ Sutra: he was in Los Angeles walking in a periferical area, when he entered an abandoned house that burned down years before.
Between the remaining walls grew with time a beautiful wild garden, startled by this beauty eckhart turns and read this warning sign:

Warning! All structures are unstable.

he names it the Malibu´ Sutra

That was indeed the nature of all elements.

When we look at time we are looking at transformation.

An old apple is not old, is simply rotting down becoming something else.

Our body grows and transforms, it gain and loses capacities, because of his unstable nature.
Elder people is less capable of retain and assimilate water in their skin, their system will never be new and it needs more and more care in order to keep a minimum functionality.

Looking at a single organism it´s easy to see what time has done to that organism, but when your attention focuses over an entire environment it´s less easy to see the action of time.

When you look at nature there is a cyclical order of transformation.
A forest will not grow old and dye, a tree will, but the environment renovates and feeds itself.
It may all burn down with a vulcanic eruption, blown by an atom bomb.
But as Michael Chricton writes in The Lost World (not sure which book): may atomic war erase humanity and most of earthly life, nature will spring again.

A famous story in support of this argument is the one of the scientific team that protected by anti radioactive gear visits an island in the pacific ocean.
The sole is completely vetrified by atomical testing.
The equipe wants to verify if any living organism has survived and not long after they set up some traps for small sized creatures, they start capturing lots of big fat rats.

The self-destructive potencial of humanity it´s directly proportional to his dependency from environment, but a single tiny seed can outstand the destructive power of a thousand H bombs (yes, yes Ganja seeds also).

What are we compared to the creative power of mother earth and the universe?

we are forms.

The matter that makes our bodyes has always been on earth.
You are a form in trasformation, you have never been created and you will never be destroyed, what we are is not contingent, is there, unseparable and necessary as everything else exists.

If you are scared about your consciousness dying than ask yourself wether you are your consciousness or not.

Spiritual teachers say no you are not your thoughts,

I haven´t yet myself given an answer to this.

Montag, November 06, 2006

Last night just before sleeping I heard A track of MOMO read in german.
I had already a vague idea of the story from a theatrical version I did in elementary school.

The main theme is time.
There is this seen were an Agent from the "Time savings bank" goes into a barbershop and persuade the owner into seeing how does he have not enough time and he should right away start to save it up for the future.
That brought up much thought:

How many time man says,

I don´t have time.

I need more time.

I need time to do what I like best

I need time to relax

I don´t have time to think

In the story of MOMO the parents did not have any more time for theyr childrens, so off they go emancipated by they´r parents money too busy to care about them in any other way.

The barber was doing his job of a lifetime and yet, was easily convinced that he needed to be faster and so less accurate in order to save time.
How many passions can we give up because we don´t have time?

But, what is time?

Time its like the value added to money, how much is worth the paper of your tenner?
ten dollars or ten cents?
An Abstraction at the center of our lives.

You skin is thirty, but how old is this moment?

My professor once citated a short story from Borges called The Immortals, humans that would never die and were all day passively laying in the mud.
I had an epiphany:

So we live a life full of struggle and hope, because we ARE going to dye!

Limited time has to be filled with action!

And it was a satisfying explanation for a while.

But yet not anymore.

A better causal explanation came to me afterward seeing what really moves any happening and trasformation in this world:

We live because we have the energy to do so!

And it was a good feeling, I did not need science to tell me the first cause of all causes or the equation of everything, I had this simple intellectual generalization
that fitted the pourpose just as well.

Nature gives it all to us (well at least in my country).

But than the final explanation was missing: it was not anymore, why do we live? but what do we live for?

Do I live for something that my unique beeing will give to the world?

If so it is, how long will endure after I´m dead?, or how big will it be?, will it cross the oceans and enter in the hearts of every single beeing on earth, will each one of them be gratefull to me ever after?

Or maybe is something that the world gives me?
But what can the world give me that I really want?

Well now I go to work I´ll go on tomorrow.


Sonntag, November 05, 2006

Yes I did spend my sunday in front of this PC, so what?
Have this been in vain? or was it the only possible way to accumulate frustration and make this new entry possible?
Sorry I hate question marks too, let´s stop bitching.

Yesterday I´ve been springing in the Bar (means filling up fridges, collect empty bottles and so on), is not as honorable as beeing bar keeper and so I began foolishly questioning my amability between the other kids working there.

One of the big needs of humanity is confirmation, means getting aknowledged by other people as beautiful beeings.

How does people sees me, what do they say about me, how do they call me, eventually, in my head:

I´m how I think that other people sees me.

This attachement to this fictious unstable doubly filtered image (me acting, you feedback to me, me interprets,me acting consequently) make rise this kind of negative thought:

Does nobody likes me anymore?

Suddenly people is tacitly bearing your presence for theyr own practical sake

You feel guilty about something you must have done

At last you are disgusted by their posing, and you know they are not worth the real you.

Ha ha ha... The real you!, the real me, if I could only feel it I would not bullshit myself so much.

In my relations a huge percentage of my sentences are brought on and motivated as stimuli to further feedbacks that can describe my presence from the point of view of the interlocutor.

Altough analitical, my capacity of interpretation is well limited, I always go too far, I´m not in the mind of my interlocutor, and even if I was gifted with telepathy I´m sure it would be a big complication.

What´s behind all this?

I want to be cool I want the world to love me, I want to be the only child that humanity has ever beared.

Is that a problem Doc?

Samstag, November 04, 2006

Have you ever tried?

Hi I´m writing now with the taste of chocholate chips cookies and orange juice, Only modern discount markets allow this unsophysticated pleasures.
Anyways before attacking the chocolate pudding in the refrigerator I´ll write down this new entry.
Today I woke up after 1 pm, I was in bed at 4 am after a party at the other side of the channel, which runs behind our hause.
Dancing has done me good after that apatic yesterday, Dancing is the only way I can menage beeing in a party, standing up with a beer staring at people I don´t know makes me feel totally helpless, makes me hate the whole idea of parties.
Sometimes before parties I´ve always got the feeling that I have to go in order to know some girls.
The impressive thing is that I have never as far as I remember done something with a girl at parties, but this sequence of thoughts is always there.
Girls stare at me when I dance but I can never find any strong enough motivation that makes me go to them and talk, I dance, I get tired, I go home.
One of the only ways that I can know a random girl in a random place is if they are reading a book (hopefully they speak a lenguage to me known) usually girls with a smart look on public transportation are reading something good, I happened to encounter Anna Karenina (a beautiful book in beautiful hands), The name of the Rose (she did look smart), about Zen Buddhism (after seven months of pityfull idealization and restless poems dedicated to her she told me she was lesbian ), this are the ones I remember.
Some others showed me meaningless titles, and that´s enough to make the conversation drop after a few sentences (could have also been the unpleasant sound of their voices).
Another way I can menage is when there is something particoular about their look or if they recall me another person, than I feel confident to talk about this observations.
I also constatated how does totally not work talking right away about deep philosophical issues ( I keep doing it sometimes), is better stuff like where do you live?,( nonono), what do you study? or, do you like horse riding?, a mid way also works for a few: you are so cute!, do you also have a soul?
I feel like any girl that I could go with would be an unsatisfing compromise. The only way I can love (well feeling mad about someone) is by idealizing them in my head while I´m beeing rejected as partner. That´s what I did from 16 yrs old to now with a friend that I know since elementary school, once I confessed my sentiments to her she told me that I felt this way about her only because she could have never deluded me. I understood her point but well, she does delude me constantly in a way, and that´s also why I like her.
Anyways, my definition of love as I have experienced it so far is this one:

Love is the will of reaching the height of your beloved.

And yes it´s tough, and is also the reason why I started traveling, i wanted to be better than her so she could feel attracted to me.

The same definition I give it to the male type of friendships I´ve had, only I keep sex apart of them and I mostly enjoy the intellectual confrontation, aesthetic also plays a good role, a friend has to be beautiful, but well I´ll talk about it another day.

Freitag, November 03, 2006

The Choir

Today we had tryouts from five to seven, the piece is so nice we are doing Mozart´s requiem, i play as a tenor and other parts would not have make such fun out of singing. I started it for the first time two months ago, ( I had to fill up empty space in my day of immigrant)
I thought: what´s the biggest church in HH? and I showed up, make them ear my voice and I was in.
The initial sensation of looking at the people and asking myself what the hell I´m doig here sometimes persists.
The church is protestant I happen not to have previous experience of protestants.
The stereotypes that I have in mind are theyr beeing weahlty and liberals and that they like moking chatolichs.

Today the director told about a girl (maybe a relative of him) who asked not to be given any presents for her birthday but just money, she got 800€ and at that point everyone applauded.

Well I just think, I don´t know them personally, aesthetically they are voulnerable to my judgement as well as any other human beeing (so lets not do it), at the end we are doing the same exact thing for the same reasons so we must not be that different.

Jiddu Krishnamurty sais: be aware that every single human beeing in every corner of the planet shares the same sort of problems.

I agree with the old man.
mmmmm, last evening was nice.
I smoked with julian we also played the drums I forgot how fun it was to play the drumms, the only way i can do it is by letting go totally of any mindfull thought about what I´m doing. Apart from the fact that i was high I felt a really new way of doing and not thinking, just allowing that unexplicable fenomena that is rithm to flow from a nowhere point. The mind has to step out, sometimes glances to what the hands are doing but not too much otherwise the magic stops.
Before than I´ve had a nice thought about being part of this world and beeing necessary to it. I´m ergo I´m necessary.

THE WORLD NEEDS ME (US), not in the sense of what we do or what we think we are now or we are going to be later, but really just from the fact that WE ARE part of it.

We can sit on our asses all day, the world still needs us as long as we are...well I guess a bit of will is needed in order to enjoy this condition.

Still I was laying down feeling like beeing flushed in a toilet while this was going on, get the goodness you like out of it.

Julian passed me the joint and said to me in Hindi, Let shiva in your brain, than I was supposed to answer: and never let it out again.

Nice! (but kids remember, there are other harmless ways to let shiva in your brain!)

Donnerstag, November 02, 2006

Well I welcome you and myself to this new space.

Let´s start whit a critical review of today, woke up at ten, ten minutes breakfast, twenty minutes late to German class.
German lessons are dull it´s like mathematic classes, easier but with the same head dumbness, watery eyes and bored sketches all over the notebook.
The entertaining part are people.
Immigrants from three continents (none from tazmania so far) struggling over this random clusters of consonants, their meaning and even their articles and declinations .
I have the chance of observing such an eterogenuous mixtures of souls, phototypes and nationalities. It´s delightfull how people personalities come out, enacting what is their natural role in a group, dismantling many of my stereotypes about them beeing so different so ignorant or even soul-less just because they com from Africa, Iran or Wherever.
It´s hard to notice the prejudices you have if something does not clasp against them.
Anyway, in the last two days people just start dancing during the half hour pause between lessons, some don´t but the phenomena it´s amazing: Ecuador, Turkey,Brazil,Tunisia,Italy dancing togheter arabic music is not something you expect.
The rest of the day i was messing in the whereabouts of this Pc, I also cooked two pizza (I do it when I´m extremelly unoccupied (like today(I´m making lots of pizzas lately))),

got more job at the Pony bar for next week (I´m going to turn into a bat next week)

Tomorrow got to stay up early

outside it´s so cold, feq.