Samstag, Dezember 23, 2006

The question is not whether the sea can fit into our heads, the question is whether we can become the sea.

This recalls me and explain a story that Glucksmann quotes at the end of one of his last articles, it's about early cristians (I'd appreciate if someone could recognise it and give me the source):

A monk goes to his master and asks: master, I dedicate myself to prayers and practice contemplation every day, but yet I feel as it is not enough, what else can I do to serve my God?
The master turns staring at him and lifts his open hands toward the sky, each finger is now burning like a torch , the Master asks:
What if we could all become fire?

4 Kommentare:

JackOfShadows hat gesagt…

"Once, when I was a grown up" ?
I think I recall it from someplace...

What article is that you refer to?

JackOfShadows hat gesagt…

I wish to know, because it sound more like a Zen Koan raher than christian related story...

Nicotheconqueror hat gesagt…

I made it up, might well have been made up before

Nicotheconqueror hat gesagt…

The article from glucksmann i had it from an italian news paper and I don´t know on which newspaper was originally printed or if exist an english translation.
I trust Glucksmann on wheter is an early christian story.
I´d like to know as well were it was written on originally.
This early christians were a bit more mystical I guess, more connected to oriental religions like Zoroastrianism