Freitag, Oktober 30, 2009

India Metropol

India is organic, dirt sustains every life form, humans included.
A city in India is an Eco-system, a polluted one, where dogs, birds, rats, cows, monkeys, bacterias, men and pests coexists, struggling over the same food, on different layers of waste.
Dirt is not dirt, everything is reused, badly patched, accumulated, overbuild, kept straight till collapse, then burned, took apart or resold.

The presence of trash is different than in the West, here is a valued resource in it's own sense.
The recycling is done directly on the streets by it's inhabitant, what's left and will never be useful it's thrown anywhere in the city outskirts, which eventually in ten years will be the city center.

Everything expands and rots, entropy rules.
The power of heat and water, of seeds wind and masses of inhabitants bends life in the city.

Entropy, the cyclical nature of things roots the passivity of the indian mind to a non lasting reality, religion celebrates this trend and dictates who can enjoy what.
Technology brings no systematic organization and fatalism is the most popular attitude : if your present is worthless you are deserving it and it's going to be so, till you suffered enough through eternity.

In India we experience a subtle or dramatic crysis, because of dirt and death, and people everywhere peeking at our difference, wanting to be friends, cheat or chat, are not of our culture.
We forgot what is to work for a meal, we have never seen a dead body, waste belongs to the trashcan.
For us being between so many people is unsettling, in the West we are far more advanced in in one thing: minding our own business.

In front of the Indian massive overflowing of people, screams horns, drums, animals flowers food, fire death and starvation we also feel worthless, most of the self we brought from home is being dismantled by what we see: this ever present ravaging vastness of life, out of our home, out of ourselves.
We adapt in new habits, the self has to react differently to the environment and dangers of foods and crowds, we rely on intuition, or simply let go, do as Indians, we discover new powers in new attitudes, functional unknown parts within us are integrated.
We learn to have less and still have more (hell we are tourists).
In India by dealing with people expectations and fears are deluded or exceeded everyday, and so let go off, we don't know when we will win and mostly we loose.

We travelers are wonderful personalities, we can blow an Indian mind as they can blow ours whit simplicity and love.

What is there to learn and what is there to give?

Change might happen within us......then people will smile.

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